Yup, it’s true. It took nine years for someone to say “Hey, you know what? The September 11th tragedy would make a great musical!”
The film,”Clear Blue Tuesday” opens this Friday at the Quad. I tried to remain open minded while reading the City Room article. The blog comments were mostly negative and even a bit childish. “I was there and you weren’t” kind of thing. Some folks mentioned that art is supposed to deal with uncomfortable subjects…and I get that.
But a musical? I’m sorry, but that’s just bad taste. I refused to see Rent because I didn’t want to hear anyone singing about AIDS. (Ok, that’s not true. I was an East Village chick in the 80’s so my take on it was “Been there, done that. Don’t have to see a performance of it.”)
Anyway, back to my bashing this film without even seeing a clip. Oh wait, I HAVE seen a clip! And it su-ucks! So, not only is it in bad taste. It’s just bad.