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Murrow HS @ 1 Saul Bruckner Place

Murrow HS @ 1 Saul Bruckner Place published on


The current address of Brooklyn’s Edward R. Murrow High School is 1600 Avenue L. That may change if my fellow alum Shadrach Stanleigh gets his way.

Since the untimely death of Murrow’s founder and former beloved Principal, Saul Bruckner, there have been Facebook groups popping up. Stanleigh started one such group, to rename the block fronting Murrow to Saul Bruckner Place.

It’s a great idea! Even if you’ve never heard of Bruckner, chances are you know someone whose life he touched. You’re reading this blog? Bam! You’ve probably watched a Marissa Tomei movie or listened to the Beastie Boys? Bam! Murrowites. It’s the Boro of Murrow and we’re everywhere.

So, you should join the group and send a letter to your local councilperson. There is a letter on FB that you can use to cut and paste and add your own info. You can find your district council person here.

Easy stuff. And thank you.

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