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Wallpaper Lights Up A Room. Literally.

Wallpaper Lights Up A Room. Literally. published on 1 Comment on Wallpaper Lights Up A Room. Literally.


Yes, glowing wallpaper has been around since the 70’s, but can it illuminate a room? Well, the technology has arrived! Wallpaper can be used in place of lighting now.

Ok, so it may not be in every home until 2020, but it’s feasible.

I don’t want to get all sciencey on you (especially since this stuff is over my head) but the concept is based on the same technology  that is used in cell phones and flat screen televisions. OLEDs (organic light diodes) are too expensive and wasteful to use, so Swedish researchers, with the help of Americans, have developed an alternative based on organic light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs). The transparent electrode is made of the carbon material graphene.

Let’s cut to the chase. This stuff is fairly recyclable and can be liquefied and spread onto large flexible sheets from printing presses.

Giving us….glowing wallpaper! It’s soooo Jetson’s and soooo cool!

Via Mother Nature Network via Science Daily

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