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Support The Arts This Weekend

Support The Arts This Weekend published on


Wow, some wonderful boro art openings this weekend! Unfortunately, I’ll be working on the Beacon house, so I can’t make it to any of them…but you should! And spread the love!


Tonight! Friday, February 5, 2010, starting at 8:00pm

Breukelen Coffee House,
764A Franklin Avenue in Brooklyn

Group show with my buddy Mike Sorgatz


Another group show at the Climate Gallery in Long Island City. “Putting It All Together” opens Saturday, February 6 from 6-9pm. My buddy Suprina Kenney is in this one. It’s her first group show!


Also opening Saturday (reception is 6-9pm) is a collaboration between another buddy, Liz Heskin Contemporary and Metropolitan Green (remember that video interview?). “Natural Reactions” features 13 artists demonstrating the intimate relationship between artist and environment.

The show takes place at 439 Metropolitan Avenue in Brooklyn. BTW, it’s really easy to get to LIC from there.

Ok, so I’m plugging my friends. Nothing wrong with that!


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