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Impulse Buy: A Sculpture

Impulse Buy: A Sculpture published on 9 Comments on Impulse Buy: A Sculpture



So, I was passing through High Falls yesterday and went into what I thought was The New York Store to buy some bread. The next thing I know, I’m walking out with a creepy baby sculpture.

The bad news is: The New York Store is no longer there. I have no idea when it closed. Plus, I didn’t get any bread.

The good news: The Last Bite is the cafe that took it’s place and it is suh-weet! They have vegetarian friendly (or meaty) sandwiches and pastries, yada, yada….

But the artwork and tschotskes in there! OMG, I could have bought everything, only there’s some stuff I would totally make myself, so why buy that, huh? I can’t sculpt clay, so I bought this cat baby. I didn’t price the Obama/Bush salt and pepper shakers that I fell in love with, but I may regret that.

My husband and I currently have 6 cats and never wanted have kids. I figured if we DID have a baby, maybe it would look something like this.

The pets love it! The husband, not so much.


A little background on why I might like creepy things….

It’s all my mother’s fault. She was letting me watch horror movies and having me sit in on seances from the time I was born. I remember seeing “Night of the Living Dead” in a movie theater. That came out in 1968, which means I would’ve been 3 years old.

NONE of my dolls EVER kept their heads or limbs.

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