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Dining Room Painted: Check

Dining Room Painted: Check published on 3 Comments on Dining Room Painted: Check


Our dining room plaster repair proved a bit problematic as we needed to work around our wallpaper border. We actually laminated the ceiling and repaired cracks in the walls. We’ll need to use a thin crown molding to hide the gap between wall and sheetrocked ceiling, covering up some of the border.

Although I liked the original color, I wanted to brighten it up some. I’m not loving this turquoise, it’s too greeny. It looks more beach cottage than Victorian, but it looked really good on the paint chip! I think my biggest problem with it is that it’s not completely flat. When Home Depot tells you they have a flat enamel that’s washable, don’t believe them! It’s not flat, it’s more eggshell!





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