Last Supper by Anthony Falbo: $100,000. It says suggested retail is 10 million bucks, but there are paintings on his website for under $1000 and I can’t find a gallery representing the artist. A mistake? Very cool, whatevah.
Another awesome painting with a possible pricing mistake. $99,000 for this image of George and Barbara Bush. The artist is Outsider’s Outsider and all of the paintings are in this price range.
Now I know this one is a mistake. This photo by Rich Wysockey is priced at $80k when the rest of his work is $20-$175. It is a great image, but is it really worth $79,825 more than his other work?
Ok, not a mistake. This is a BIG sculpture. Artist Chris Weed installed the paper clips this year at The Plaza of the Rockies. It stands 24 feet high and will set you back $75k. Anyone want one for their front yard?
1 Comment
Barbara’s looking good.