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Sukkah Structures

Sukkah Structures published on 6 Comments on Sukkah Structures


The Cute Sukkah

Driving through Williamsburg on Yom Kippur, I saw the sukkahs starting to pop up and thought what a cool post it would make if I photographed the various structures. Well, I don’t have time to do that, so I’m grabbing some from the web.

For non Jews (or non New Yorkers), a sukkah is a temporary structure with a roof of leafy boughs and straw built for the holiday of Sukkot to commemorate the tabernacles of the Exodus. I cut and pasted that definition, so don’t ask me anything else.

Raise your hand if you’re new to NYC and you’ve seen these “boxes” on people’s terraces and front lawns and wondered WTF. Now you can impress your friends with your knowledge.


The Portable Sukkah


The Modular Sukkah


The Apartment Sukkah


Sukkahs are an eyesore to any community. A lot of times they do not take them down afterwards and it remains all year long. Fire-escape Sukkahs are dangerous as they are not meant to hold that much weight. Same with terrace/balcony Sukkahs. DOB should take a long walk around Boro Park and start issuing violations.

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