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Blogging The Splanch

Blogging The Splanch published on 4 Comments on Blogging The Splanch


Rachel from Northborough, MA lives in a raised ranch. The gal is determined to give the house a makeover that will get rid of that 1980’s look. Because, let’s face it: 80’s music = good. 80’s design = embarrassing.

My Raised Ranch blog is sort of Rachel’s wish list. There, she thinks out loud and grabs inspiration from other raised ranch renovations.

I’m just posting some of my favorite photos. They may not all be raised ranches, but her facade can probably be altered enough to resemble one of these. Good luck, Rachel!





Related: Updating Raised Ranches


Sadly, going by most of the pix on her site, Rachel may have McMansion envy. (Naturally, Phyllis, you picked the best pix, taste hound that you are.)

Rachel’s raised ranch might actually look quite spiffy, in a quasi-mid-century way, with a grey and white paint job and some creative tree planting to break up the boxiness (I quite like the existing path).

I’d definitely keep it in the classically (as opposed to post) modern realm …but you know me.

First off: thanks for the plug! 😉

Secondly: I’m looking for inspiration everywhere – but if I have envy of anything it’s the great camps of the Adirondacks (which would look really odd on my street).

The first pic you chose happens to be the house across the street from ours, which was designed by a student of Frank Lloyd Wright, so it’s been said.

Considering I do have a limited budget for this project (and do not want to over-invest in my home), I think you’ll be pleasantly pleased with the plan we have in mind.

There are many other grey and white ranches on my street (and in this state) – boring! – and my husband is also quite particular to the dark orange/red (meh!). I’m looking to stand out from the pack a bit. But don’t worry – no post-modernism. No McMansion. I think of it as a small scale reno that will have a great impact on the overall look.

Plans to come within the next couple of weeks. We are scheduled to ‘break ground’ at the end of October!

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