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Graffiti Back in the Day + NYC Quiz

Graffiti Back in the Day + NYC Quiz published on 1 Comment on Graffiti Back in the Day + NYC Quiz

Have you seen this NY Times clip of a 1982 documentary on graffiti, rap and break-dancing? I loved the city back then! Yeah, you can say I’m just a nostalgic chick, but I don’t get sentimental about the 90’s, so there.

Graffiti was more than just tags back then. It was an art form. Can you look at those old trains and say there’s no beauty to them? That it’s pure vandalism?

I’ll admit, boom boxes were annoying. I recently saw a near fight break out on a train when a skinny hippy 20 something asked some guy to lower his iPod because it was bothering people next to him. I thought “Good thing this kid wasn’t around when people REALLY blasted their music. ” Come on, an iPod? Really? How intolerant can you be?

Anyway, here’s a mini quiz on some famous New Yorkers of that era.

1. Who is Trisha Meili?

2. What is Dorian’s bar famous for?

3. What famous New Yorker died on February 22, 1987?

4. In the mid-late 80’s NYC was home to a graffiti museum. Which neighborhood was that in?

5. The Pop Shop. Who Dat?

6. What Brooklyn high school did Basquiat attend? (hint: I went there too)

7. Who is Adam Purple?

8. Which celebrity had a popcorn shop on W. 8th Street in the late 70’s?


1 Comment

I think it is really hard to be sitting next to or near someone whose music is blaring so loud that you can hear the static over the noise of the train. Doesn’t seem intolerant to me to ask them to turn it down.

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