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Yellow + Blue = Green Wine

Yellow + Blue = Green Wine published on 3 Comments on Yellow + Blue = Green Wine


What makes a wine green? Organic grapes for one. But what about the packaging? Would we ever think of drinking wine from a box without having a good chuckle? Well, I did just that. The Yellow + Blue boxed wine at my local Beacon Artisan Wine Shop kept calling to me. Finally, I had to try it just for the goof.

Guess what? It was pretty good! Before I purchased the $12.99 bottle, er… Tetra Pak, I asked Mr. Wine Shop Owner “Why boxed?”. He said he had been looking for a good wine with alternative packaging. And no, the box isn’t a gimmick. I should mention that for the $12.99 you get a whole liter.

One could argue the green argument doesn’t hold up with Yellow + Blue because the wine comes from Argentina. Also, the Tetra Pak isn’t recyclable in many areas as bottles are. Sure, your wine could be greener. If you made it yourself. Think about the weight of those bottles being packaged and shipped. This seems like a pretty good option. Better if more wine producers followed suit and started boxing locally.

Hey, look. Weren’t we all a bit shocked when good wineries started using alternatives to cork? Well, mark my words….First the cork. Next the bottle!


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