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Green Dictatatorship in German Town

Green Dictatatorship in German Town published on


The quaint town of Marburg, Germany is on the cutting edge of the green building movement. So cutting edge, in fact, that they are forcing all homeowners currently undergoing renovations and heating upgrades to install solar systems.

Sounds like a good idea until you consider all of the historic buildings in the town. And the cost to homeowners who may not be able to afford it. With the added expense, some homeowners are opting out of reinsulating their homes altogether.

Those caught not doing the solar panels will be fined 1,000 euros. Here’s what gets my goat: Why not offer incentives instead of dictating what people must do? The town of Marburg is a great model for renewable energy. They have windmills and solar and use hydroelectric power. It all seems like the perfect town until you consider that their residents don’t have free will.

Via NY Times

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