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Reclaimed Duplex Available August!

Reclaimed Duplex Available August! published on


Our duplex roommates are moving out! They are parting ways with each other so they’ll be looking for smaller apartments. The beautiful thing is that we weren’t going to renew their lease anyway. They are just too YOUNG! The first year was fine, but they had one too many loud, late parties this year. We’re old and kvetchy. We don’t go for that.

Anyway, they’re leaving early August and we’ll be in a mad rush to get some new blood in there by the middle of the month. I’m sure there will be some things to take care of after four 20 somethings lived there for 2 years, but two weeks oughta do it.

I gave “The Duplex” it’s own page. I tried to do it as a “listing” but I’ve been neglecting that for so long I forgot how to do it. Please feel free to send the link on to friends, friends of friends, post it on your blog, etc….

3BR/Bed Stuy/Pets welcome/$2600


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