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Great that you posted this! I know exactly where that J.C. rowhouse is, and it is a great location (that low rise to the photo’s right is brick oven pizza. yummmm). That said, I’m a NJ transplant (from NY) and I know that when people cross the river, it’s kicking and screaming. I was one of them. I’m older and wiser now. 🙂 And I’m happy to have twice the square footage at half the price (literally).

Also glad to have found you! I’m in the midst of buying my first lot of objects from you and I know there will be more (thank you for being so, SO helpful!). I’ve added you to my blogroll so I can “keep in touch.”

Confession: My husband wanted to look in Jersey before we moved to Beacon and I refused! I just couldn’t bring myself to leave the state.

I didn’t realize you have a blog….and I terrific one at that! I’ve added your link.

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