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Plywood Countertop

Plywood Countertop published on 2 Comments on Plywood Countertop


This month’s quick, cheap and easy DIY counter top choice comes from The Hardware Aisle.

What is it? Plywood! There’s no need to remove your existing counter top to feed the landfill. Furniture grade veneer can be affixed to existing material. Edges should consist of solid wood and surface can be coated for protection.

Full DIY here.

My own input? I doubt this will last forever, so why not make it look as nice as possible while it’s there? I’d add trim around the edges to fancy it up a bit. You can caulk it, but water will eventually find it’s away between the top and trim. If you plan on keeping the counter top for a long while, you should stay on top of the sealer and caulk! But remember that bars often have wood counter tops and they seem to last just fine.

Related:Charles and Hudson


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