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Thatched Roofs

Thatched Roofs published on


I see thatched roof cottages in Ireland all the time and always wonder why we don’t have more of them here. Is it a dying craft? Perhaps. But I did find one local guy who specializes in thatched roofs.

Master Thatcher Colin McGhee, from Essex, England started thatching at the age of 16. He’s been working in the US since 1991 and is based in Virginia (although his area code is 845).

European thatch dates back to the middle ages when the first villages were established. Here in the states, Native Americans were using thatch for generations before early settlers started to during the 60’s. 1560’s, that is.

Reed and straw are the two most common choices of thatching. Material has to be gathered, dried, bundled, and secured the roof in thick layers. It’s weather resistant, fire proof and easily repaired. The commonly used Norfolk reed has an R value of 40.

I’m not sure this is something I’d attempt myself on a house (maybe an outhouse or something) but there is a DIY section on McGhee’s site.

Hey, if a green roof dries out and dies, would it look like a thatched roof?

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