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A Splash of Color

A Splash of Color published on 2 Comments on A Splash of Color

I no longer work on my house. All I do is refinish furniture now. Shame, that. Anyway, wanna see what I’ve been up to this week?


This bed has been sitting in my garage since winter (obviously). It just wasn’t doing it for me. It has nice lines, but it needed some umph.


Too much umph? Actually, I love it. But then I like bright, shiny things. Just like a little kid. The sanding was the easy part. The gods weren’t smiling on me when I was painting outdoors this week. Between the wind blowing the friggen pollen, the bugs and the rain, it took me forever to paint. I’m going to have to charge $20k for all the time I put in.


From lemons you make lemonade. I ripped this painting when I got frustrated packing the van one day. No, I didn’t do it purposely, but I was careless. Anyway, not wanting to throw anything out, I figured I could recycle it as a table. Am I a genius or what? Ok, so I haven’t actually done anything yet, other than place the painting on top of the base and snap a picture. I’ll put a wooden back on it for support and mounting purposes. Then I’m not sure if I’m gonna go with resin or tempered glass. I’ll figure it out last minute….like everything else I do.


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