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Bklyn Designs: IglooPlay

Bklyn Designs: IglooPlay published on

It was a weird weekend for me, so I didn’t get to the Bklyn Designs show as I had planned. Pardon me while I do a little cheating and highlight some of the exhibitors straight off the website this week. One-at-a-time. Stretch-out-those-posts.


Mod Rocker: $292 at Mini Jake

IglooPlay is sustainable ergonomic furniture for kids. Designer Lisa Albin was inspired while observing her two daughters. From website: “I developed the low and wide proportions, organic shapes and ease-of-use to enhance the spontaneous and creative process that children naturally express in their daily play.” Although the furniture may look like something you would buy at Ikea (nothing wrong with Ikea designs!), IglooPlay uses only eco-friendly materials. That means safety for your children as well as the environment.

Here’s a list of shops that carry IglooPlay.

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