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Eco-Cook A.K.A. : Lazy Cook

Eco-Cook A.K.A. : Lazy Cook published on


Via Treehugger via Design Boom

I’m not sure if this handy kitchen gadget is actually for sale or it’s currently just an “idea”. French designer Kechenyl Camille won an honorable mention in the “Dining in 2015” competition. “My eco-cook is an object that helps to save water, energy and time.”

And that’s why this would be great for me. I loathe cooking. It stresses me out. I throw everything in together (if I must cook, that is) because I’m lazy.

The dohickey is made out of nylon and silicone heat resistant material. Not only can you cook everything in one shot, there’s no need for a colander.

Now if they could only invent something to wash and season those boiled vegetables, I’d be in business.

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