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Preparing for Guests: Living Room

Preparing for Guests: Living Room published on 2 Comments on Preparing for Guests: Living Room


We’re starting on the easier projects first. Like the guest room, the living room is pretty much finished.

The major concerns here are the couch and the light fixture, both Ebay finds. Both items bought about 3 years ago and my husband has never let me live down.

Let’s start with the couch. As you can see, it’s being held up by a couple of 4×4’s. Without going into too much embarrassing detail, suffice it to say, I thought I was getting a bargain. It would’ve been too, except the shipping which cost $300, was the cause of the damage. I was in a meeting at the time and couldn’t expect upon delivery, so basically, I was screwed. Lesson learned. How to fix a Duncan Phyfe style couch leg, not yet learned. Too costly to do professionally, so we’ll wing it. One of these days. Before June. By the way, this is a convertible, which is why we need it and why I thought it was so cool in the first place.

One of these couches is meant to go down to Brooklyn when we finish our living room down there. I had a bit of a couch fetish at some point.

I bought the light fixture to match and existing one in the dining room. It’s a reproduction Galle, $450 on Ebay. These days I don’t go over $25o for fixtures. It came from Germany and was not wired at all. We (Ok, husband) did the rewiring, but the wires need to be hidden better and the sockets need to be replaced with something that accepts American bulbs. Or we have to find European bulbs. Oh, we totally know where to go. Just haven’t gotten around to it yet. We never step foot in the living room. It’s for guests.

Some curtain ties and a coffee table would be nice. Other than that, that’s it for the living room.


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