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Architecture Against Death

Architecture Against Death published on 2 Comments on Architecture Against Death


I heard about this on NPR over the weekend and I said “Oh, puleeze!” But then I saw the photos and ok, it looks pretty cool.

Artist/Architect team of Arakawa and Madeline Gins, both living in New York, collaborated on the Reversible Destiny Lofts in Mitaka, Japan. The living quarters “steer residents to examine minutely the actions they take and to reconsider and, as it were, recalibrate their equanimity and self-possession, causing them to doubt themselves long enough to find a way to reinvent themselves. These tactically posed architectural volumes put human organisms on the track of why they are as they are. To be sure, every loft comes with a set of directions for use.”

In plain English, I believe this means that the space is not convenient or comfortable. It makes a person THINK and interact with their surroundings. So I guess the space keeps you on your toes so you’re too busy to die?

Check out the proposal for the Reversible Destiny Hotel in New York.


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